Sunday, February 28, 2010

Slumdog Millionare - I Will Never Forgive You

Question One

Type Of Shot Used: Low Angle Shot

In this shot we see Jamal looking down on Salim through the eyes of Salim after Jamal punched his brother to the ground and is now looking down angrily at his brother. This shot is showing us that Jamal has over powered his brother and is looking down at him as the more powerful figure in the shot. This is a particularly interesting shot because Jamal is overpowering his brother for the first time in his life. Salim was always the dominant figure in their relationship and now it has taken a fair amount of anger from Jamal to show us a side of his personality that we have never seen before. By Jamal taking out his anger on Salim it shows us the he is taking control for the first time in his life and standing up to his older brother. This shot shows us that Jamal is bigger or more powerful than Salim even though Salim is the older brother and was always bigger than Jamal. This scene shows us that Jamal has had all this anger and hate built up inside him up until now and he unleashes it for the first time in his life.

Question Two

Film element used: Sound Effects

There are not many sound effects in this scene apart from the construction workers or the sound of the crane lifting Jamal up onto the top of the building. The reason I think that they have made it so that it is very quiet in this scene is to show the audience that this struggle is only between Jamal and Salim. It almost shows us that they are the only two people in their world. The sound effects in this scene are there to show us where the scene is located and where Jamal and Salim are in this scene. They show us this when Jamal is taken up to where Salim is on the crane. By hearing the cranes sounds we understand that the scene is taking place on a building that has still not been fully constructed and this is why they need a crane to get to the top of the building. The sound effect when Jamal punches his brother in the face and he is knocked to the ground is a "thump" sound that shows us that he landed on a hard, stable surface which in this case is the concrete of the construction sights floor. The director shows us the emotion of Salim through sound effects when Jamal first came up to meet him. We hear the footsteps of Salim and he builds up his walk gradually to meet his brother, showing us that he is excited to meet him.

Question Three

Film element used: Costume

The costume is important in this scene to show us the personality of the two brothers and to show us who they are. By looking at Jamal's costume which is a very simple tidy white shirt with brown pants. This shows us that he is very simple, smart, and doesn't think much of himself because he isn't wearing any clothing that is in fashion or new. On the other hand Salim is wearing a fashionable blue shirt that is unbuttoned to show his chest and his gold necklace. He is also wearing designer sunglasses and stylish jeans with Italian elegant shoes. All these clothes that show us that he thinks he is"the boss", these clothes that he is wearing show us that he is very full of himself and believes that he is better than everyone else. Which is the complete opposite to Jamal.

Question Four

Film element Used: Dialogue

The dialogue in this scene shows us the anger that Jamal has and the emotions that he has because of what his brother has done. When Salim first sees Jamal he says "Jamal? Is that you brother? God is good, god is good" This shows us that Salim is happy and relieved to see his brother after all those years. After Jamal has hit Salim to the ground Salim says "left a message for you at work" to tell Jamal that he had been looking for him after they left him alone. Jamal replies with "there was no message, there was no message, there was no message!" getting more aggressive with each repetition. This shows us that Jamal is mad at his brother for leaving him and never attempting to find him. The dialogue concludes with Salim lying on the ground and Jamal says to him "I will never forgive you" and Salim replying with a quiet "I know" after his brother turned around in anger and walked away. This showed us that Salim understands what he has done to his brother and is sorry for his actions and for leaving him by himself all those years before.

Question 5

Film element used: Camera angles

The camera angles in this scene show us the anger that Jamal has and help us understand it. The first camera angle that shows us Jamal's emotion and feeling is the first close up of his face when he reaches the top of the lift. The emotion on his face shows us that he is in search of something, or that he is anxious to see someone, and in this case it is Salim. When he finally does see his brother we see Salim through an over the shoulder shot, which puts us into the eyes of Jamal and shows us that Jamal is seeing Salim walking up to him hurriedly and excitedly and we see Salim's emotion of happiness and surprise to finally see his brother. We are switched back and forth between this over the shoulder shot and the close up shot on Jamal's face, which shows us his emotion of surprise to see Salim and also the anger on this face as he walks up to punch Salim in the face. After Salim falls to the ground we see a low angle shot showing Jamal's anger and showing us that he is dominant over Salim in this part of the scene. We also see a high angle shot which shows Salim on the ground and we see his emotion of surprise and fear as he sees this new side of his brothers personality that he has never seen before. The final camera angle is a long shot that shows both of the brothers and shows us Salim on the ground looking at the floor thinking about what he has done wrong and Jamal kicking the dirt with anger.

Question 6

Film element used: Lighting

The lighting in this scene is very bright on the outside of the construction site which shows us that it is a very sunny bright day. On the inside it is very dark which could show us that Jamal wasn't very angry before he entered the building but his anger developed as he entered into the building and met his brother. Also the colour is very murky which shows us that there is a lot of uncertainty in this scene and that we don't know exactly what is going to happen.

Question 7

Film element used: Pace

The pace at which this scene was filmed helped influence how the scene could be carried out or shown to the audience. In the scene when Jamal imagines himself throwing Salim over the edge of the tall building, we see three different shots of Jamal and Salim falling. The first shot was very short and fast, at about the pace which they would fall at if it really did happen. The second and third were in slow motion to capture the movement of their arms as they dropped off the building. If all three had been in slow motion, the scene would have been too long and would not show the real speed at which Jamal and Salim were falling and it would not show us the damage and consequence of Jamal and Salim falling off this tall building. The pace shows us Jamal's anger by the speed at which he hurled his brother and himself off this tall building.

Question 8

Film element used: Mise en Scene

The composition of the scene simple and very easy to predict what was going to happen. We knew from the start the Jamal wasn't just going to meet with his brother because he missed him after all these years and that he wanted to see him because of this. Jamal went to see Salim so that he could tell his brother how he felt after all those years that he had been by himself. The camera work and framing captured the characters and the setting which are all very important for the Mise en Scene. The lighting was very dull and dark on the inside of the building which made the outcome of the scene unpredictable and uncertain. The framing also put Jamal and Salim in most of the shots and also showed us the anger that Jamal was expressing and the aggression he showed towards Salim.

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